Hey TpT Sellers, are you ready to get your hustle on and make some serious cash from your TpT store? Then it’s time to grab your favorite drink and get down and dirty with your TpT dashboard data!

I know, you were expecting something sexier. But, if you are looking for opportunities to grow your Teachers Pay Teachers store in ways that will bring money into your hyperwallet, there is nothing sexier than the TpT dashboard.

Why? Because once you take that first shot of data driven decision making, you will see how smoothly it goes down and brings you the results you’ve been searching for. If there is something sexier than that, please leave me a comment below.

Just like happy hour, the TpT dashboard offers you great appetizers of information. I have summarized 4 of my favorite secrets to unlock with your TpT dashboard in a bite size download – so don’t forget to grab yours.

By the end of this post, you will have sampled a few ways you can use your TpT product data to help you work smarter, not harder. Let’s dive into our data!

What kind of data is there on the TpT dashboard?

Don’t you love it when you go to an event and there is an open bar? I do. That’s exactly what the TpT dashboard is like.

Just like you would expect an endless supply of drinks at a company party, the TpT seller dashboard offers any teacher seller willing to take a closer look countless data points that can move the needle of their income goals this year. 

What data can you find on your Teachers Pay Teachers Dashboard? From product views, conversion rates, earnings, to video views, there is so much you can do.

Sitting down at the start of a new quarter to plan your marketing or creation efforts? You can use the dashboard to zoom in on specific time frames and see what’s hot and what’s not?

Perhaps you have been optimizing your titles to show up in search and you want to see how many views a product got in comparison to last year? You can do that with the seller’s dashboard.

These are just two of the four secrets I show you how to unlock in the download below.

If you’re a TpT seller looking to increase your daily sales, break monthly income records, and smash quarterly and yearly goals, you definitely need to dive into the data of your TpT dashboard.

How can you analyze customer behavior and expand your TpT product listings or other offerings?

While talking directly to a buyer isn’t an option yet (direct messaging is in the BETA testing phase at publication), you can look at your data and make inferences about customer behaviors. 

A trend you can see in your data is when certain topics or standards are being taught in schools. The TpT dashboard makes it easy to isolate individual products and look for trends like page views, sales, earnings, and conversion rates.

You may be focused on creating math content for place value, but notice that this product tends to sell more at the start of the school year. Posting it in December means waiting until the following school year to see the views, sales, and reviews you hoped for.

Planning a course or membership launch? Your TpT data can help you decide when to launch. Your audience LOVES your website templates, but they only sell between July and August. You should hold off on launching your PopPD course on creating a classroom website during those months.

Are you a yearlong planner? You could zoom out and look at your best-performing products over a year. By looking at this data, you can see what teachers like that you are creating and focus on expanding those product lines further in the coming year.

See how insightful your dashboard can be if you take the time to look? If you are feeling overwhelmed, grab the bite-sized download below. It will get you started thinking about using your TpT data better for profit-generating decisions.

Reviewing your statistics in the TpT sellers dashboard offers any teacher seller a wealth of information. You can systematically grow your TpT store resources by analyzing data and planning your product creation in a year. Likewise, you can make optimizing your listings and creating new products less overwhelming when you focus on your TpT sellers dashboard.

Your first step to optimizing your listing is making sure your title is showing up in search. Read more about crafting an ideal TpT title here.