solving word problems

area models and distributive property
word problem situations

Conceptual Understanding

Students need to understand math concepts through hands on concrete learning experiences first. Tricks or shortcuts should be taught after a strong conceptual foundation is built.

 Problem Solving

Problems come in a variety of contexts. It is important to support students in developing their accuracy and confidence by building their schema and confidence. All students need access to word problems and higher-order thinking.

Research Based 

Knowing what strategies cultivate the best results makes you a more effective teacher. Resources have been created with research based practices in mind, helping students become more competent in their abilities.

measuring with a ruler in inches

Measuring with a ruler in the classroom

If one unit of math gets overlooked, pushed aside, or skipped over, it’s measuring with a ruler. I get it. It’s the end of the year, and you get to ALL the significant standards, so you want to let down your hair and have a little fun. Measurement isn’t the most...
how to find area of a rectangle

Finding Area: Why you can’t skip it

It's tempting as you reach the end of the school year to feel that you might be able to relax. I started to think that, especially considering how hard I hit arrays and those models back in our multiplication unit. Here I am thinking finding area would be a breeze for...
math standards for common core

Math Standards for Common Core in Grades 3 -5

Hey, hey, hey, teachers! Whether it’s the end of the school year or the start of a new one, math standards for common core are an essential part of the conversation.  You have a limited time to tackle math skills for your grade level, and it can seem impossible to...
math task cards

Task Cards: 5 Engaging Games To Use Today

Ladies, let's be real - we all need a little drink (or two) to get through the school week. But, let's raise a glass to something even more important: Engaging our students and building a strong classroom community through the use of task cards! These little gems not...
distributive property multiplication

Teaching Distributive Property of Multiplication in Grades 3 to 5

When I taught fifth grade, it always seemed as though it was the first time my students encountered the distributive property of multiplication. This was true of so many concepts I taught in math at the fifth grade level. My students looked at me as if they had never...
student engagement in math

Create high student engagement in math

High student engagement in math is the most effective way to make concepts stick. It’s also hard. Sometimes we are told what to teach and how to teach it. The result is showing up to the classroom and opening the book to the current lesson. We teach verbatim and use...
math word problems

Math Word Problems Are Easier to Solve Through Writing

Why writing math word problems is important for students: Stop and think about when you really learned the most with math word problems? As a student learning math, I was able to follow steps and procedures to “DO” the math, but did I really understand it? No. I think...
word problem situations

Word problem situations and the best way to build student confidence

A few years ago, my students tanked a word problem situations assessment. When talking with my principal at the time, he said, “If we improve students’ reading abilities, then their word problem understanding will improve also.” Intrigued by this thought, I looked at...
word problem accuracy

How to Solve Word Problems Accurately With This Daily Routine

James Clear has many memorable quotes in his book Atomic Habits, but my favorite by far is, “You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.” Prior to practicing the daily word problem routine I currently use in my classroom, I used...
Teaching Word Problems

The 3 Step Method to Teaching Word Problems

Word problems are difficult. Most adults surveyed can recall struggling with word problems in school, some even saying that they STILL struggle with word problems. That’s why I developed this 3 step method for teaching word problems. As a student, I was good in upper...