Decimal Division Made Easier With Money Concepts

Decimal Division Made Easier With Money Concepts

Dividing with decimals is a challenging concept for students to grasp. Because they are not innate to student understanding, decimals must be grounded in concepts that are relateable to students. Money is both high interest and tangible, making it the ideal way to...
Task cards in math: A fresh take

Task cards in math: A fresh take

Using task cards in math is a great way to engage students in learning. Not only can task cards be physical, digital task cards are also popular. Both allow you to differentiate based on student level and meet unique needs in your classroom. Like all tools, task cards...

Fostering a Math Growth Mindset

.This past year I had a student who always said, “Mrs. Van Blair, I am no good at math.” I am positive that you can relate. Why? Because every year I have a student who believes that math skills come naturally and are not developed. The danger with this thinking is...

Meeting Diverse Needs In Math

What do third to fifth grade teachers JUST LIKE YOU say they struggle with the most? Differentiated math instruction when the range of abilities in their classroom is so wide. They have students that need help and support with previous grade level content. At the same...